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Quotes to Reassure Your Change

Updated: Nov 17, 2022

I know I promised more details on our move, soon I promise! It's a challenge to formulate what is all going on because I feel like I'm in a state of shock with how fast everything is moving. 🤯 We still have some days left in Wisconsin, but those days are quickly filling up with to-dos, appointments, final packings, and goodbyes. 😥


I couldn't sleep last night, thinking in circles about all of the pending questions that our latest development leaves in the balance. And that anxiety, worry, stress, that I needed to kick in the butt today. So, I turned to something that helps me bring everything into focus, focalize my mindset, and remember that it will all be okay in the end, quotes. 💞


In February I shared a bunch of quotes about personal growth, being your own cheerleader, loving yourself and I was blown away with how much y'all loved it! 🥰 That's why I'm super excited to be sharing with you guys the quotes I pulled together today to regroup my thoughts and emotions on this big life change. 🤗


I hope they provide you a little extra oomph today and reassure you that “plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose “ which means, “The more things change the more they stay the same.” 💖



I think it's pretty clear how these quotes are relating to my life right now. But they've given me a new perspective to "just enjoy the ride" right now. 😎 We've got some pretty amazing news and I feel like things can only go up from here. Sure, I know we will hit a few road bumps, but in the end, all that matters is 1. We will have each other, 2. We will have our furbabies, and 3. We will be closer to achieving our dreams. 💭


It's ironic how I shared a post on my Instagram feed Tuesday about dreams, and what dreams I was currently pursuing while asking others what theirs were. My NUMBER ONE "dream" in that caption was "Get out of my apartment and move to our new home in Colorado." 🤷‍♀️ Like, a little over 24 hours later that exact thing was no longer a dream and instead became a reality.


Maybe, sometimes when we put great things into the universe great things come back to us? Not sure... I'd like to believe that.


Also, not going to lie, I'm hoping the rest of the dreams on that post go just as easily... 😂


A blog post all about the beginnings of our #happilyevercolorado (I'm such a dork, #happilyeverpeterson was our wedding hashtag) will be dropping this weekend! Keep an eye out. Of course, I'll let you know when it does over on the 'gram.


Hoping these quotes give you a spark on your Friday. Cheers to the weekend! 🎊🎊


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